名称 描述 UniProtKB
40S ribosomal protein S17 P08708
40S ribosomal protein S4, X isoform P62701
60S ribosomal protein L14 "Component of the large ribosomal subunit.1 Publication3 Publications (Microbial infection) Specifi P50914
60S ribosomal protein L6 "Component of the large ribosomal subunit.1 Publication3 Publications (Microbial infection) Specifi Q02878
AChE Terminates signal transduction at the neuromuscular junction by rapid hydrolysis of the acetylcholin
Actin Actins are highly conserved proteins that are involved in various types of cell motility and are ubi P07830
Alcohol dehydrogenase class-3 Catalyzes the oxidation of long-chain primary alcohols and the oxidation of S-(hydroxymethyl) glutat P11766
Apextrin-like protein
Apoptosis 2 inhibitor Required for activation of NF-kappaB transcription factors in the immune deficiency (Imd) signaling Q24307
Arginine kinase Catalyzes the reversible transfer of high energy ATP gamma-phosphate group to L-arginine (PubMed:174 P78362 Q004B5

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