名称: alanine
CAS号: 338-69-2 (D-isomer) 56-41-7 (L-isomer) 302-72-7 (racemic)
分子式: C3H7NO2
摩尔质量(g/mol): 89.09
功能概述: The L-isomer of alanine (left-handed) is the one that is incorporated into proteins. L-Alanine is second only to leucine in rate of occurrence, accounting for 7.8% of the primary structure in a sample of 1,150 proteins.The right-handed form, D-Alanine occurs in polypeptides in some bacterial cell walls. 131 and in some peptide antibiotics, and occurs in the tissues of many crustaceans and molluscs as an osmolyte.
相关通路: map00460 Cyanoamino acid metabolism"3,arginine,"7200-25-1 157-06-2 R 74-79-3 S

版权所有 @2018 - 2019 中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所 
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