名称 CAS号 分子式 摩尔质量(g/mol) 分子结构图 功能概述 相关通路
glucose 50-99-7 C6H12O6 180.156 In energy metabolism, glucose is the most important source of energy in all organisms... KEGG C00031
glutamate 56-86-0 C5H9NO4 147.130 g·mol−1 Glutamic acid (symbol Glu or E) is an α-amino acid that is used by almost all living beings in the b... L isomer: C00025  D isomer: C00217
glutamine 56-85-9 C5H10N2O3 146.14 Glutamine is a nonessential amino acid. Glutamine can donate the ammonia on its side chain to the fo... "map00471 D-Glutamine and D-glutamate metabolism"
glycine 56-40-6 C2H5NO2 75.07 Glycine is a non-essential, non-polar, non-optical, glucogenic amino acid. Glycine, an inhibitory ne... map00260 Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism
glycogen 9005-79-2 C24H42O21 666.6 Glycogen is a highly-branched polymer of about 30, 000 glucose residues and has a molecular weight b... no
homarine 445-30-7 C7H7NO2 137.138 g/mol homarine is a non-proteinogenic alpha-amino acid.... no
hypotaurine 300-84-5 C2H7NO2S 109.143 Hypotaurine is an aminosulfinic acid comprising ethylamine having the sulfo group at the 2-position.... map00430 Taurine and hypotaurine metabolism
inosine 58-63-9 C10H12N4O5 268.229 Inosine is a purine nucleoside that has hypoxanthine linked by the N9 nitrogen to the C1 carbon of r... "M00048 Inosine monophosphate biosynthesis, PRPP + glutamine => IMP M00051 Uridine monophosphate bio
isoleucine 73-32-5 73-32-5 C6H13NO2 131.175 Isoleucine is associated with insulin resistance, biosynthesis, catabolism.... KEGG D00065
Leucine 61-90-5 C6H13NO2 131.175 Leucine is a dietary amino acid with the capacity to directly stimulate myofibrillar muscle protein ... KEGG D00030

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